- 18 Tianshan West Road, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
- info@shpowerglobal.com
- +86-138 1502 9791
This product implements national stangards GB1094-1996 the power transformer “and GB/T6451-2008 the three-phaseoi-immersed power transformer technical parameters and requirements”.$13 series transformer is the latest seriesoflow loss copper windings products.the products using high-quality materials,in col implement body and insulation,usingnew craft, new material.thus made racing, load loss reduced significantly,and performance and structure more reliableand superior.
The SH-40.5 SF6 gas-insulated ring main unit is suitable for power transmissionand distribution of new energy power plants, compact secondary substations,commercial buildings, rail transit, underground substations and remote substations,especially suitable for installation in places with narrow space. The product is designedwith high performance and small size, full SF6 gas insulation. The operation of theequipment is independent of the external environment, such as high altitude, salt spray.condensation, dust, wet and other climates, and the maintenance-free and reliableapplication is realized truly, so as to meet the needs ofall types of power users.
Technical parameter table
We really have the product you need and we offer it to OEM.