
How to configure the new energy distribution module?

General requirements

1、Standardized and modular design.

  • Flexible stackable deployment to meet different solar power generation requirements in various capacities and locations.
  • Compact structure, integrated configuration, plug-and-play design for rapid implementation of smart zero-carbon upgrades in industrial parks.

2、High reliability and high safety.

  • The brand of medium and low-voltage cabinets and prefabricated enclosure is consistent, ensuring integrated integration.
  • Meets the requirements for use in harsh environments, with the enclosure being corrosion-resistant and thermally insulated. It is sturdy and reliable, and the steel structure can meet the requirements for C5-VH high salt-mist environmental use.
  • Can be equipped with fire alarms and video surveillance systems to ensure a high level of security in the operating environment.

3、Comfortable and safe walk-in prefabricated substations.

  • Reserved space suitable for equipment operation and office space for personnel.
  • The substation is insulated and fireproof, using rock wool boards with a thickness of no less than 50mm, which are A1-grade non-combustible. The floor thickness is no less than 6mm.
  • Indoor temperature is maintained between 0-35°C to ensure stable equipment operation and a comfortable working environment for personnel.


Case 1 : 2-12MW New Energy Distribution Module Solution

Photovoltaic Power Generation+Wind farm ≤4MW4MW≤ Photovoltaic Power Generation+Wind farm  ≤6MW6MW≤ Photovoltaic Power Generation+Wind farm ≤12MW
Single Station SolutionCombination scheme oneCombination scheme two

Distributed photovoltaic installation has a compact coverage area, making cable installation convenient and cost-effective.

The site is limited, not suitable for new construction or expanding distribution stations.

Suitable for a walk-in working environment.

Distributed photovoltaic installations have a wide coverage area, and sometimes cables need to be laid over long distances, leading to potential construction difficulties. The main station is well-suited for walk-in work environments.


Flexible stacking deployment of main and sub-stations according to photovoltaic installation needs.

Distributed photovoltaic installations cover a wide range, or cable laying is too long.

Main station is suitable for walk-in work environments.



Case 2 : 2-4 MW New Energy Distribution Single Station Solution: eHouse Prefabricated Substation

System Architecture Diagram
Single-Line Diagram of the System

(Photovoltaic Installed Capacity:2~4MW)

Site Plan/Layout Diagram
Equipment Configuration

Prefabricated Substation : 2.8m*12.192m*2.896m 

HV Switchgear : 12kV,KYN/SNZX

Transformer : ≤4000 kVA,10.5/0.54 (0.8) kV 

LV Switchgear : MNS


Case 3 : 4-12MW New Energy Distribution Combined Solution – Substation Module


Case 4 : 4~12MW Renewable Energy Distribution Modular Prefabricated Substation

Main Station + Substation Mode: Choose the configuration of the main and substation based on the actual power generation capacity of the project.



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