
What are the product advantages of SH Power’s electrical products in the new energy field?

Advantage Analysis:
  • The equipment has a small footprint and occupies minimal space, making it particularly suitable for areas with limited available land, especially in densely populated regions.
  • After the equipment arrives at the site, the entire substation construction can be completed within a week, enabling rapid station deployment. The equipment manufacturing process takes 2-3 months, and on-site construction can be finished within a month to achieve power delivery, addressing the challenge of long construction periods for grid-connected main stations.
  • High operational reliability, low maintenance workload, and extended overhaul intervals.
  • Intelligent design with online monitoring capabilities, catering to diverse customer usage requirements.
  • High degree of integration, fully modular design, catering to various wiring requirements.


35kV modular prefabricated intelligent substation solution, adhering to the concept of full-factory prefabrication. All primary and secondary equipment, including 35kV switchgear, secondary self-protection devices, reactive power compensation devices, and main transformers (if needed), are placed inside double-layer, sealed, thermally insulated, and anticorrosive prefabricated enclosures. Currently, we have supplied projects in Wuhai and Wuda, Inner Mongolia, as well as integrated wind-solar power and hydrogen production demonstration projects (300MW each) in Zhangjiakou, which have all been commissioned.


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SH Power has exiended the demand-based product development ofthe smart grid industy chain,realzedthe muliink maiclhing supplyof the industy chain fom thefitings of transmision and distibution lines to the tings of converer staions, boster/step-down staions,electical ecuipment for transmision and distribion systems to completelectrical eguipment for new energy wind and PV power stations, and constantly climbed the heights of the industry.

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